But the world does not own me

I give myself away to the world
But the world does not own me
I am not here on display because it gives me pleasure or to give you pleasure
My pain has brought me here
I have endlessly struggled to fit in, and so I let go of this desire
and so I am here for you
I live for you
I am here to help you
and to love you
out of my selfish need to be loved by God
I cannot be here alone on this Earth and not give sacred meaning to my life
I have to release the pain I feel
I allow myself to live free
I give myself permission to be happy
I am a creator
I am an artist
I am a dancer for life
will you join me in this dream
can we be wild together
may we create a pact for peace
let us create an uprising the world has yet to see
it aches for it, the Earth groans for it
is this not what we feel?
can it be this simple?
This is bigger than me or you
and even bigger than us
This union
this creation
is for the ones still not dancing
still not smiling
still not in love with everything that breathes on this Earth
Desire is not what has been happening here
it has always been a genuine gratitude
for a love more real than ourselves…
Raileigh Duschen is a best-selling author and poet sharing her expertise on consciousness, alignment, and integrity. She is also the founder of Conscious Lifestyle Coaching, a sacred space for those on the paths of self-development, healing, and spirituality. She offers guidance through authentic embodiment and deep present awareness to catalyze significant lifestyle changes that align with higher vision, greater purpose, and life fulfillment.
If you enjoyed this poem, I invite you to my free weekly group coaching call, The Medicine Garden at 7pm ET. Join the group call every Tuesday by emailing Raileigh Duschen at raileigh@consciouslifestylecoaching.com
🌟 If you are on the path of self-development, healing, and spirituality and are seeking guidance at this time, receive a free 45 minute coaching discovery call (by free application to the Life Purpose Actualization program only).
🌟 STEP FULLY IN, my next Sacred Reminders, Ascension Seminar (monthly live free virtual discourse) is November 17th, from 3pm - 6pm ET.
🌟You can now schedule an exclusive solo or group healing retreat. We focus on professional and self-development, holistic well-being, and empowerment by creating spaces for healthier and more productive lifestyles and business cultures.
🌟Please check out my newly published book, “Phoenix Medicines— A Transformative Journey through Consciousness,” a collection of poetry, short stories, meditations, affirmations, and prayers. Special thanks to Otterpine. Available on Amazon and most online retailers.
🌟The Amazon Best-Seller, “Women Connected in Wisdom Vol II: Stories & Resources Rooted in the 8 Dimensions of Wellness” is available in audiobook, ebook, and paperback.
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